Batchelors CupaSoup Greek Inspired Tomato & Black Olive

It's good to start this blog with the classic Cup a Soup - that's the one we all know about. The others are clearly just copies. I should imagine the most popular soup would be tomato soup, and that's what this is. It's "deliciously thick" - which I suppose means they use more potato starch than usual (and there is a sort of powdery mashed potato feel about it) and it is "greek inspired" with an image of the Acropolis on the box, which means it has 0.5% olives - because, well, everyone knows the Greeks eat olive soup. Don't they? Hmmm. Is there a traditional Greek soup that comes to mind? All I can think of at the moment is Retsina and kebabs. Oh well. Olives are grown in the Mediterranean, and Greece is in the Mediterranean area, so this is clearly a Greek inspired soup.


The soup tastes like a cheap tomato soup with potato starch. And, yes, OK, I grant you, a sort of olive flavour. Not a strong olive flavour - just a hint really.

Yea. It's drinkable. Quick and easy to make. And it's not offensive. It's not one of the best cuppa soups I've had, but nor is it the worse. The powdery potato mash starts getting on my nerves toward the end, but other than that, it's OK.

Job done. First cuppa soup blogged!

Date: June 2018    Score: 5/10
